Sold in packs of three or nine — Choose the perfect number of plant supports for your garden’s needs.
Available in four different sizes — Pick the perfect sized hoops for your plants, with four options ranging from ‘Small’ to ‘Tall’. Scroll through the product images for more detailed dimensions.
Green plastic-coated steel — These hoops are strong, sturdy, and rust-resistant thanks to the green plastic-coated steel used in their manufacturing.
Top heavy and tall garden plants need a little bit of extra help to keep them from toppling over. Our plant support hoops come in convenient packs of three or nine in a choice of four sizes, so you’re sure to find the perfect set for your garden.
Simply gather the foliage into the hoop and close the handy gate mechanism to keep your plants safe. This innovative design allows you to introduce support to even fully grown plants without the risk of damage. The strong solid frame is sturdy enough to insert into even hard ground and is plastic-coated to prevent rust. It's suited to either indoor or outdoor use, giving your green fingers total flexibility.
The smart design means you can even adjust the height as your plants grow by pushing the prongs further in or out as needed.
- Small - 50cm Tall x 16cm Diameter
- Medium - 60cm Tall x 25cm Diameter
- Large - 70cm x 30cm Diameter
- Tall - 90cm x 24cm Diameter
- Small - 20" Tall x 6" Diameter
- Medium - 24" Tall x 10" Diameter
- Large - 31" Tall x 12" Diameter
- Tall - 35" Tall x 9" Diameter